E-mail: slavapozd@yandex.ru Tel.: +7 (912) 726-48-44
36, Moscovskaya str., Kirov, 610000, Russian Federation
DSc in Philology, Professor of the Department of Russian and Foreign Literature and Teaching Methodology, Vyatka State University
The paper regards A. Andrievsky's and N. Dobrotvorsky's activities as collectors and publishers of folklore of Vyatka province. The above-mentioned amateur researchers were in exile in Vyatka province. The 1880s proved to be a climactic point of interest to traditions, rites and folklore of Vyatka province (both of Russians and representatives of other nations). Migrants and the exiled contributed considerably to Vyatka folklore studies. In the paper there is biographical information on the above-mentioned authors; reasons for their exile to Vyatka province are introduced; sources of the given information are referred to; contemporaries’ opinions are presented. Much attention is paid to Andrievsky’s evidence of sacrifices made by Votyaks and other nations inhabiting Vyatka. There are interesting facts concerning the process of christening non-natives of Vyatka province and people’s manifestations against potato planting imposed by government. Also, a full list of Votyaks’ genres of folklore made by Dobrotvorsky is presented. The collector’s attempts to interpret peculiarities of the given nation are revealed. The author concludes that the amateur folklorists’ activities were various. A. Andrievsky resorted to official documents to describe Votyaks and Cheremis. N. Dobrotvorsky preferred to record ethnographic materials from former inhabitants of Perm living in Orlovsky uyezd of Vyatka province.
Pozdeev V. A. (2017) Sobiraniye vyatskogo fol’klora lyubitelyami-fol’kloristami vo vtoroy polovine XIX — nachale XX v. [Process of collecting folklore of Vyatka by amateur folklorists in the second half of the 19th — the beginning of the 20th century]. Vestnik Vyatskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta [Vestnik of Vyatka State University]. 2017. No. 12. Pp. 174–178. In Russian.
Pozdeev V. A. (2018) Evolyutsiya instrumentariya i voprosnikov o narodakh Povolzh’ya XVIII — nachala XX v. [Evolution of tools and questionnaires on peoples of the Volga region (18th – beginning of the 20th century]. Traditsionnaya kul’tura [Traditional Culure]. 2018. Vol. 19. No. 5. Pp. 43–54. In Russian.
Pozdeev V. A. (2019) Religioznyye syuzhety i emotsional’nyye aspekty legend v zapisyakh N. Dobrotvorskogo (Orlovskiy uyezd Vyatskoy gubernii) [Religious plots and emotional aspects of legends as recorded by N. Dobrotvorsky (Orlovsky uyezd of Vyatka province)]. In: Literatura Drevney Rusi. Materialy X Vserossiyskoy konferentsii "Drevnerusskaya literatura i eye traditsii v literature Novogo vremeni", posvyashchennoy pamyati professora Nikolaya Ivanovicha Prokof’yeva [Literature of Ancient Rus’: materials of the X All-Russian conference “Old Russian literature and its traditions in literature of the Modern Age”, devoted to professor N. I. Prokofiev] (Moscow, 6–7 December, 2018). Comp. by N. V. Trofimova. Moscow. Pp. 272–281. In Russian.
Pozdeev V.A. A.Andrievsky and N. Dobrotvorsky as collectors and publishers of folklore and ethnographic material of Vyatka (1880s). Traditional culture. 2019. Vol. 20. No. 5. Pp. 206-216 In Russian.