E-mail: oks-ezhova@yandex.ru
Tel.: +7 (977) 591-24-16
7, build. 1, Tsimlyanskaya str., Moscow, 109559, Russian Federation
Master of Psychological and Pedagogical Education, Teacher-Organizer of Research Activities for Students of the College of Architecture, Design and Reengineering No. 26
The Republic of Tuva is a part of the Russian Federation (82% of the population of the Republic are of the Tuvan nationality). The Tuvinians are a people with a rich history dating back centuries. Settlement of the land where they live began in the Stone Age. At various times, Scythians, Huns and the numerous Turkic tribes lived there. The culture of childhood in Tuva is an important part of the life of the ethnic group. Games among Tuvan children have interested Russian-speaking researchers since the beginning of Siberia’s development, but information about them was only systematized at the beginning of the 20th century. The material about Tuvan children’s games presented in this article was collected on a joint expedition to Tuva by the Moscow Pedagogical State University, Tuva State University and the Moscow Museum of Nomadic Cultures. Its tasks included direct observation of children’s play and its visual fixation. In particular, field studies allowed the authors to highlight two aspects of Tuvinians’ perception of khuresh wrestling. First, that khuresh is a time-tested means of physical education for boys, and second — even more significant for the Tuvan community — is that khuresh serves as a sign of gender and ethnic identity.
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