The Image of Ginseng in Manchurian Folklore at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century

Key words
ginseng, folklore, Northern Manchuria, frontier mythology, legend, Spirit of the Forest and Mountains
Ye Yangyang
About the Author
E-mail: Tel.: +7 (416) 223-45-00
21, Ignatievskoe Highway, Blagoveshchensk, 675027, Russian Federation
Postgraduate student, Department of Literature and MHC; Researcher, the Laboratory of Frontier Research, Amur State University
Date of publication

The study was supported by the financial program of strategic academic leadership “Priority-2030” as part of the scholarly project FZMU-2022-0008, reg. No. 1022052600017-6.


This article examines the corpus of legends about the miracle root ginseng in one of the first folklore collections of Northeast China, “Chronicles of Rivers and Mountains in Changbaishan” (1908). As is known, ginseng is a plant emanation of the Spirit of the Forest and Mountains in the religious consciousness of the inhabitants of the Far Eastern frontier (Russian Far East, North-East China). In the first decades of the twentieth century, the ethnographers V. K. Arsenyev, N. A. Baykov, and a little later, M. V. Shcherbakov, recorded mythological storis about ginseng. They also partially documented how the phytolatry associated with ginseng is reflected in its various names. For a long time, Russian scholarship was not aware of the northeastern sources of folklore in Chinese dedicated to the mythology of ginseng. In this article, the author examines the first written legends about ginseng in Chinese ethnography, analyzing the context of their formation and connection with the phenomenon of internal migration — the so-called
“Breakthrough to Guangdong.”


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For citation

Yangyang Ye. The Image of Ginseng in Manchurian Folklore at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century. Traditional Culture. 2024. Vol. 25. No. 4. Pp 22–32. In Russian.