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Key words
folk legends, hoard, rooster, “formula of the impossible”
About the Author
E-mail: Tel. +7 (342) 2-396-374
PhD in Philology, Associate Professor in the Department of Russian Literature Perm State University
15, Bukirev str., Perm, 614990, Russia

E-mail: Tel. +7 (342) 2-396-374
Postgraduate student in the Department of Russian Literature Perm State University
15, Bukirev str., Perm, 614990, Russia

 The study is financially supported by grant of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project No. 16-34-00007-ОГН “History of the Northern Prikamye in the mirror of folklore (based on publications of XIX – early XX centuries)”.



Image of rooster in folk legends about hoards realizes in several general variations: as a treasure sentinel, as a figure of texts about hoard receiving сondition or as personification of hoard. Motifs, connected with treasure receiving condition, are the most various. Operations with rooster are the part of difficult task or formula of the impossible (plough on rooster, ‘rooster horse’). This bird can be used for human victims replacing. A rooster alive can help to find hoard. Rooster singing determines the period when treasures appear and disappear. It is also possible to get “fern flower” in places where rooster’s singing cannot be heard. Semiotic significance and popularity of rooster image in folk legends determine its high potential for realization in rare and unit plots. The extended information about ritual and magic practices, connected with rooster, gives opportunity to show genesis and semantics of single “rooster’s motifs”.


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