E-mail: sidelts@inbox.ru Tel.: +7 (495) 954-48-52,
32a, Leninsky prospect, Moscow, 119334, Russian Federation;
21/4 Staraya Basmannaya, Moscow, 105066, Russian Federation
PhD in History, Institute of World History, Russian Academy of Sciences; National Research University Higher School of Economics
The article deals with structure of epic tales of the Tundra Yukaghirs about Edilwey and the role of repetitive plot elements in them. An account of stories about Edilway with an indexed indication of all the repeating elements and their complexes is given and their role in the development of action is overviewed. It turns out that the plots of the tales are formed within three levels of construction: the exposition and an inciting incident, unique each plot, set the most general character and type of conflict; then the action, as a rule, develops with the use of one of the stable complexes of motifs, which are sufficiently independent of the inciting incident and the general nature of the conflict; each of them can be used within different plots. Finally, the stories are additionally modified by introducing some separate motifs, even more repeatable within different plots in different combinations. As a result, the variety of plots is defined both by the difference in their beginnings and by the variety of combinations of elements of further action with a high repeatability of these elements themselves in different plots..
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