E-mail: bch58@yandex.ru Тel.: +7 (3012) 43-35-51
6, Sakhyanova str., Ulan-Ude, Buryatia, 670047, Russian Federation.
PhD in Philology, Leading Researcher, Institute for Mongolian, Buddhist and Tibetan Studies, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences
The research was carrid out within the state assignment (project “Ethnocultural Identity in the Architectonics of Folklore and Literary Texts of the Peoples of the Baikal Region”, No. 121031000259-6).
This article examines fairy tales with heroic content in order to determine the degree of interaction between them and epics within the framework of one Hori-Buryat tradition. It is based on fairy tales recorded among the Buryats of Inner Mongolia, China. These are representatives of the Hori-Buryat ethnic group, and their works are compared with the uligers and heroic tales of the Transbaikal Buryats. The article compares their plots and motifs, the functions of the main character and the works’ expressive means in order to identify their similarities and differences. It concludes that a number of the main structural elements of heroic tales--a storyline concerning the heroic actions of the hero; separate plot-forming motifs; and traditional formulaic expressions describing the hero’s most important attributes — liken Shenekhen fairy tales to Horinsk epic works. The insignificant differences revealed by the analysis concern the peculiar implementation of plot elements and some of the motifs. They are caused by the reduction and narrowing of large epic texts, and perhaps also by the different performance traditions of the storytellers. The author suggests that over a long period of time the oral tradition of performing uligers that had previously existed among the Hori-Buryats began to transform into separate narratives about the heroic deeds of heroes in a fairy tale context. This is confirmed by texts recorded in Shenekhen which have been modified into uligers in the form of heroic fairy tales about the main character’s heroic campaigns against his enemies.
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