Family Rituals and Folklore of the Russian Peoples of Mari El: The Experience of and Prospects for Digitization

Key words
folklore archive, digitization, family folklore, electronic folklore resource, virtual museum, website
atiana A. Zolotova, Ekaterina A. Plotnikova
About the Author
Tatiana A. Zolotova
E-mail: Tel.: +7 (8362) 68-80-02
1, Lenin sq., Yoshkar-Ola, 424000, Russian Federation
DSc in Philology, Professor, Department of Russian Language, Literature and Journalism, Mari State University

Ekaterina A. Plotnikova
E-mail: Tel.: +7 (8362) 68-80-02
1, Lenin sq., Yoshkar-Ola, 424000, Russian Federation
PhD in Philology, Docent, Department of Russian Language, Literature and Journalism, Mari State University
Date of publication

Expeditions for collecting Russian folklore, including family folklore, have been conducted in the Republic of Mari El since the 1970s. This has resulted in the accumulation of significant material, both in quantity and quality, which urgently requires systematization and transfer to electronic media. At the turn of the twenty-first century, staff members at Mari State University created the first databases and virtual museums of folklore: the electronic folklore resource “Folklore of Vyatka Settlers: Tradition and Modernity”; two virtual museums: “Folklore of the Yurinsky Region of the Republic of Mari El” and “Folklore of the Gornomariysky Region of the Republic of Mari El”; and the website “Network Pedagogical Workshop as a Form of Popularizing the Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Peoples of the Republic of Mari El.” Each project has its own specificity, yet they share some approaches to the design of the collections. Ritual folklore is presented in the form of so-called “composite descriptions,” formed like hypertext: the main text (ethnographic description) of the ritual with options to further describe certain aspects of them, such as their designations and the individual functions of the participants; details about interiors and costumes; texts (with variations); musical transcriptions, and audio and video reproductions. Features are designed to attract a variety of users to the digital folklore archives of Mari State University and to enhance their usability and appeal, including animations and games. To preserve these electronic folklore resources and museums, they are currently hosted on a new digital platform, described in this article. The authors frame the issues within the broader discussion of preserving both paper and digital folklore archives in the Russian Federation


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For citation

Zolotova T. A., Plotnikova E. A. Family Rituals and Folklore of the Russian Peoples of Mari El: The Experience of and Prospects for Digitization. Traditional Culture. 2024. Vol. 25. No. 4. Pp. 70–79. In Russian.