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Key words
Komi folk tale, «The Maiden without hand», variant, plot type, comparative analysis
About the Author
E-mail: nadezhdakorovina@mail.ru Tel.:+7(909) 124-59-47
26, Kommunisticheskaya st., Syktyvkar, 167982, Russian Federation
PhD (Philology), Senior research scientist of Folklore Department of Institute of the Language, Literature and History of Komi Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Date of publication

In this article an attempt is made on the basis of a specific fairy-tale story about «The Maiden without Hand» (CIP 706) to explore the features of the interaction of folk works of peoples who are not related ethnically, but who closely communicated for a long time and have close cultural traditions. When regarding  this issue, we consider it appropriate to use the methodology of comparative analysis, since it is the comparative study of Russian and Komi variants of the fairy-tale plot that allows us to establish how the international fairy-tale plot becomes the cultural heritage of the Komi people,  to clarify the history of the national fairy-tale repertoire.

In all analyzed Komi tales about the Maiden without hand there is a similarity with the Russian variants in the development of the action, the sequence of episodes, the type of characters, their characteristics, the common ideological content. The structural and typological analysis allows us to conclude that the plot about «The Maiden without hand» (CIP 706) was borrowed from the Russians.

However, the considered variants of Komi fairy tales do not create the impression of monotony because the constant elements that represent the compositional core, firstly, acquire peculiar details that give the narrative a national flavor. They reflect the life, habits and customs of the Komi people. Secondly, the originality of each option depends largely on the individual style, the degree of performing skills, creative manner, attitude to the story of a particular artist. Thirdly, it is in its individual options where the impact of class, time differences manifest themselves reflecting the historical changes of the tale. 


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For citation

Korovina N.S. On the question of the interaction of Komi and Russian fairy tales (CIP 706 «The Maiden without Hand») // Traditional culture. 2019.Vol. 20. No. 5. Pp. 99−110. In Russian.